Monday 11 March 2013

2 years


2 years passed.
still, now and in the future, let's keep thinking together.

Friday 30 November 2012

EGAKU at Christmas Fayre 2012, Chelsea College of Art and Design!

EGAKU will have a Christmas sale at Chelsea College of Art and Design on 4th of December!
There will be prints, postcards and Christmas cards and also some Japanesy sweets!!
Please visit us and enjoy your Christmas shopping at our stall :D

4th December
12:30 - 8:00
at Chelsea College of Art and Design
    UAL Christmas Fayre 2012

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Donation completed 寄付完了のお知らせ

9月にDesignersblockで行った東日本大震災復興支援アートイベント、「EGAKU -Draw for Japan- での収益の寄付が完了しました。

ippo_絆 あしなが支援活動」へ34,299円、「ふんばろう東日本支援プロジェクト」へ34,298円(振込み手数料除く)寄付致しました。


We have donated the profit from "EGAKU -Draw for Japan-", a charity art event in aid of Japan which took place at Designersblock in September.

We exchanged the profit of £610 for 69,857 yen,
and donated 34,299 yen for "Ippo_Kizuna" and 34,298 yen for "Project Funbaro Eastern Japan" (fee deducted).

Thank you very much for your contribution!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Donation completed 寄付完了のお知らせ


東日本大震災の被災者支援金を募るアートイベント「EGAKU + SMILE」。


それとSmile Japanが以前のイベントから保持していた金額を合わせ、

ふんばろう東日本支援プロジェクト」と「ippo_絆 あしなが支援活動


We apologise for the late report.

After the charity art event in aid of Japan "EGAKU + SMILE", which we organised on 1st December last year at Designersblok,
we have completed the donation of the profit from the event on 27th January.

All profits from the event + Designersblock's donation, and Smile Japan's profits from their last event made 1,100 pounds.

We exchanged them for 121,286 Japanes Yen,
and donated 60,013 yen each (fee deducted) to 2 different organisations.
"Project Fumbaro Eastern Japan" and "ippo_Kizuna".

1year has passed from the earthquake and tsunami.
Let's make continuous support together!

Friday 2 December 2011

EGAKU + SMILE at Designersblock

Photos from last night.

The event was successful.

We made £611.56 last night 
+ Designersblock's sale of our prints in Milan 
+ their donation of T-shirts sale 
= £1025.09!!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to EGAKU + SMILE!